Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lady garden (#14)

I have a love hate relationship with waxing things – I love the finished product but I hate the process. Being a certified English Rose my skin is too sensitive to shave so after some rave reviews from well-groomed friends I decided to try laser hair removal. I chose a med-spa ( it’s more “spa” than “med”) that was near my office and that a friend had used and liked. I decided to do underarms and bikini as the thought of never dealing with either of those again was beyond exciting. Next followed some serious deliberating at Fuel Pizza at 3am last Saturday over the merits of a landing strip, martini glass, lightning bolt, heart shape or all-off. Conceptually I have a hard time with deliberately making yourself look like a pre-teen and the only merit I can see is having a blank canvas for vajazzling.

I settled on a very tasteful shape and went for my first session at the today. Everyone who worked there had glazed eyes, french manicures, too much lip gloss and wore scrubs which I’m amusing are intended to create a façade of medical credibility. The team of robot ladies informed me that I was a strong candidate as I have light skin and dark follicles (although I doubt they tell anyone who is about to hand over $1,000 they are a bad candidate). The actual experience was very fast and took less than 15 minutes. It felt like having a tiny a rubber band snapped at your skin and hurt a lot less than waxing. I think the most unpleasant part was the slightly burnt smell. They said it would take a few sessions as hair grows in cycles but that I should notice a difference after the first session. I will be sure to report back on the results.

I guess pain is relative - having beams of infrared light fired at my pink bits was pleasurable compared to the day that I’ve had.

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