Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Exercising My Right to Vote (#11)

Politics used to be my passion.  It was what I studied at University, what I used to read about in my spare time and where I thought I’d spend my career.  Then I came to America and I was exposed to the world of business; it was faster paced, more competitive, more innovative and there was room to assume much more responsibility early on compared to a career in the public sector.  My path gradually changed and I picked up an MBA and a career in General Management at a fortune 500 company. 

Since I’ve been in the US my interest in politics has certainly waned. I feel disconnected from the goings on in the UK and EU and have never made a real connection to US politics. That is partly because I can’t vote here and partly because the political conversation too often seems to be about personal and religious matters rather than policy.  In addition, I can’t identify with the values of either major political party here.  There have been some moments I’ve felt re=inspired – for example I will never forget the excitement of the night I watched the first black President being elected and I will never forget the disgust and anger when the North Carolina’s Amendment 1 passed limiting domestic partnerships and defining marriage as something strictly between a man and a woman.

Turning 30 to me symbolizes no longer being a child.  With that in mind – I feel it is my civic responsibility to be an active participant in our democracy so I have registered to vote by proxy in UK elections.  Not to mention the fact that women like Emmeline Pankhurst dedicated their lives fighting for me, as a woman, to even have the right to vote.

The only wrinkle is that my proxy, Miss Rosie Louise Allen, is rather mischievous and has already threatened to use my vote to help the Monster Raving Looney Party rise to power…

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