Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The countdown begins...

I have 3 months of my twenties left and couldn’t be more excited about the big 30!

Complete (41%)
·         Start a blog (1,253 hits from 10 different countries)
·         Run the Savannah, GA half marathon (have since run another in Nashville, TN and planning my full marathon!)
·         Take my Dad to the US Masters (best day ever)
·         Register to vote by mail
·         Be elected to the board of a non-profit organization (Dean’s Diversity Advisory Council)
·         Complete a mountaineering course (need to get up a big mountain again soon)
·         Have laser hair removal (bald as an eagle)
·         Big Brothers Big Sisters - 2 fun activities a month
·         Tour the White House
·         Move into a two bedroom apartment (Best housing decision ever: deciding to live alone.  Second best housing decision ever: spare room for visitors!)
·         Spend the day at the US Whitewater Center
·         Buy and successfully operate an i-phone (changed my life)

In process (34%)
·         Eat lobster in Maine (May with Brian)
·         Be debt free by 30 (on track-ish)
·         Get my green card (paperwork submitted and pending)
·         Go to Disneyland (June with Emily)
·         Attend a Jimmy Buffet concert (June with Jenny and Britt)
·         Climb Mount Mitchell (July)
·         Go to every museum in Charlotte (seriously behind)
·         Streak the lawn at UVA (graduation weekend – so inappropriate)
·         Attend every class at the YMCA gym once (50% complete – will step it up)
·         Plan a 30th birthday party (got the people and ideas – just need to lock down bookings)

Serious risk of not happening (24%)
·         Visit Barcelona (no time!  Will do trip at Christmas)
·         Watch a Nascar race (conflict with Darden graduation)
·         Go to Bonnaroo (conflict with Disney)
·         Read every Man Booker Prize winner since 1982 (have really embraced TV in my 29th year.  Grey’s Vampire Diaries, Mad Men, West Wing, The Office, Modern Family)
·         Visit Joshua Tree National Park (will combine with hiking Mt. Whitney by year end)
·         Try online dating
·         See Niagara Falls (will go from Toronto in fall)