Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What does a weasel look like? (#24)

If you know me, you know I procrastinate when it comes to making big purchases.  I have needed a DVD player for over a year but am overwhelmed by the choices so haven’t bought anything.  In the spirit of embracing the list, I cancelled my contract with Sprint, handed in my two blackberries and signed up for the Verizon/i-phone 4S combo.

Things I love about my new i-phone:

  • Siri
  • Siri
  • Siri
  • Face Time
  • Nike+iPod
  • The ability to turn off work email with a simple slide
  • Skype mobile
  • Hipstamatic
  • Picture/sound quality
  • Internet browsing
  • Siri

Things I don’t love about my new i-phone:  

  • I accidentally called someone as I was reading their text aloud to my friend - awkward
  • Damn auto correct
  • I miss BBM
  • It knows and announces where I am geographically - a real impediment to sketchiness
  • I love it so deeply that I walked head first into a lamp post while texting leaving me with this unattractive bruise and a 2 day headache

I’m going to D.C. for Thanksgiving then England for Christmas so I’m not sure I’ll knock anything else off the list in 2012 – although I do plan to attend the UVA-Virginia Tech game this weekend so there is always the threat of #27.   And maybe I will set up the online dating profile over the holidays.   And I should really register to vote when I’m home.  Regardless, here is my mid-year progress report…

1. Start a blog
2. Eat lobster in Maine
3. Visit Barcelona

4. Run the Savannah, GA half marathon
5. Be debt free by 30
6. Get my green card
(next key date Dec 5)
7. Go to Disneyland  
(Feb 2012)
8. Watch a Nascar race
(Daytona Feb 2012)
9. Take my Dad to the US Masters
(booked April 2012)
10. Attend a Jimmy Buffet concert
11. Register to vote by mail
12. Be elected to the board of a non-profit organization

13. Complete a mountaineering course
14. Have laser hair removal
15. Go to Bonnaroo
(June 2012)
16. Big Brothers Big Sisters - 2 fun activities a month
17. Read every Man Booker Prize winner since 1982
18. Tour the White House

19. Move into a two bedroom apartment
20. Visit Joshua Tree National Park
(booked March 2012)
21. Spend the day at the US Whitewater Center
22. Climb Mount Mitchell
23. Go to every museum in Charlotte

24. Buy and successfully operate an i-phone
25. Try online dating
26. See Niagara Falls
27. Streak the lawn at UVA
28. Attend every class at the YMCA gym once
(20% complete)
29. Plan a 30th birthday party
(in process)

Run, run, run, run, run, banana, run, run, run (#4 contd.)

A few weeks ago I ran my first half marathon in Savannah, GA and finished in 02:10:20.
I am not a natural runner and I do not find it easy.  Runners World has awesome training guides for all levels of runners  and I was amazed at how effective it was when I did follow it – adding the miles each week was a very natural easy way to run increasingly long distances.  It was truly amazing to realize that with enough work I can train my body to do pretty much anything.  I didn’t love the structure of following a schedule – I resented its rigidity and often rebelled.  I also didn’t like that all exercise had to be running – I enjoy variety and missed hiking, swimming and other exercise classes.   I had good intentions of training all the way up until the race but unfortunately life (more specifically work) got in the way.   The furthest I managed to run before the race was 8 miles so I felt extremely unprepared – I was pinning my success on the fragile hope that adrenaline would take me through the additional 6 miles that I hadn’t trained for.   The night before the race I was very nervous – the gravity of what faced me in a few short hours was weighing heavily.   My favourite good luck message was from my sister who, as ever, showed love and humor with a text that simply said “run, run, run, run, run, banana, run, run run”. After some carb loading the night before and a broken nights sleep full of super weird dreams, we were up at 5am and off to the race.

The race itself was incredible.   My eyes welled up as we set off as the reality set in that this thing I had been planning for months was actually happening and that my dear friend Nicole was there to share it with me.  There were all shapes and sizes running the race and I was particularly touched by the many people who wore shirts with the names of those they were running in memory of.  The people of Savannah, GA knocked it out of the park with the love and support they showed the runners – it was completely unexpected and overwhelming.  As we were waiting to get the bus people would let “runners get on first” and numerous strangers wished us luck.  There were local bands playing every mile, there were high school cheer squads, and there were people alongside the road with signs and cheers and high fives for the entire length of the race.  People had some pretty funny signs and my top 3 were:
  • “This is long and hard so do it faster (that’s what she said)”
  • “Make this race your b*tch”
  • “13.1! (because 13.2 would make no sense)”
The actual running came much more easily that I had expected and I felt physically and emotionally on top form throughout.   I had set a goal of 2:30 so was ecstatic to finish in 2:10 and change.  I hadn’t had an alcoholic drink for a month leading up to the race so the first post-race beer tasted like heaven and we went on to celebrate in style with a rowdy day and night out in Savannah, GA.

Of all the wisdom that was spouted by proper runners leading up to the race this little nugget was dead on:

"Run the first part of the race with your head (slow and steady), the second part of the race with your personality (have fun and go for it) and the final part of the race with your heart (because that is the only thing that will get you through)."

You can see me finish around the 12 second mark in the grey t-shirt on the right.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Half Marathon, Savannah, GA (#4)

13.1 miles
Now to celebrate - apologies in advance to the citizens of Georgia.